What is web testing? This is the practice of looking thoroughly over a web application for errors before it is made public for use. The main reason is to find defects that can negatively impact the website in future. This process can also be used as a platform for finding areas to improve to produce better results from the application.
A Complete Guide To Web Testing
Generally, there are many ways to perform web testing. Testing ensures that the scope, security, and functionality of the web are correctly working. The following are the basic tests performed for a website before it is launched: functionality testing, usability testing, interface testing, compatibility testing, performance testing and finally security testing.
Let’s have a look at each of them:
1. Functionality Testing
Software engineers call it “functional testing” also known as “functionality testing”. Basically ensuring all components work right.
This testing involves verifying that the web application works according to its documentation and specifications. This is generally ensuring that the forms work properly, links among homepages, connection with the database, and the user interface etc. works well according to its intended purpose.
These tests are documented in the test scripts, which test the functionality and specs. This test includes activities such as identifying the expected web functions, data sets, e.g. a drop down list of pre-defined values, data input and the output.
Tests performed in Functionality testing include:
- Link checks: testing all internal links, links on the same page, links for sending email to users and administrators, checking broken links, testing to establish any orphan pages, testing to see if links are jumping within the same webpage etc.
- Form tests: forms are normally used for communication purposes. Checks performed here include: validation between processes, values of different fields, manipulation of the forms by users and ease of use for easy navigation
- Cookie tests: cookies play an integral part in any browser. Tests performed here include to enable and disable them, expiry time between sessions etc. Make sure encryption is done before being written on any PC.
- Database testing: involves checking for data security while performing tasks on the web forms. Data query check is also performed here to make sure it works correctly.
- Test of CSS and HTML: this check ensures that surfing through the website by search engines are optimized. Check for any form of syntax errors, proper color choice, and international standard compliance.