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ISTQB Foundation Answers to Questions Part 2

Welcome, welcome. This is Wayne Vassell with TalentedTester.com and today I’m going to be going through the ISTQB Foundation Answers to Questions Part 2 (Video below). In this series, we are going to be covering answers to questions and we’re going to be looking at three sample questions which have been taken from sample paper number two. Today, we’re going to be looking at questions 1, 4, and 6.

If you would like to download the entire list of answers to questions on PDF or in PDF format, then click here.

In particular, you will see a full list of questions … Of 15 questions with 15 answers in preparation for your ISTQB Foundation Level exam and there’ll be additional sample papers that you can download or request access to, which will help you for your studies. Without further ado, let’s get into this session.


Test Harness, Script, Driver or UAT Plan?

[Taken from the ISTQB Foundation Sample Paper 2, Question 1]

Question number one, Ray the programmer has just written a function and needs to test it. He wants to call the function and pass it test data, which one of the following does he need? Is it:

a) A harness
b) A script
c) A driver
d) A UAT Plan.

Have a quick think. Which one of the following does he need? The right answer is it’s not a harness, it’s not a script. The answer is c. A driver. If you think about this logically, a UAT plan (Click here to see if UAT functional testing) has nothing to do with this scenario, yeah? A script is not correct and a harness in this context would typically be a test harness, is not what we need, so the driver is the correct answer.


Which of the following is not a performance testing activity?

[Taken from the ISTQB Foundation Sample Paper 2, Question 4]

Question four, which of the following is not a performance testing activity? Note it says ‘not’:

a) Simulating many transactions into the system.
b) Recording the system response time under heavy load.
c) Putting the system under heavy load by simulating multiple users.
d) A test harness to replicate a key system function.

Stress Testing

Image by: topgold

Before we get into the answer, what is performance and stress testing? Remember, this is a type of testing which is quite specialized and will basically put this system under a lot of stress to get or prove that it can handle the chance of there being multiple users on the system without being … Without it crashing. What is the correct answer to this? The correct answer is d. This is one of the questions … Or one of the answers that is incorrect, which is not a performance testing activity. Using a test harness to replicate a key system function is not a performance testing activity.

Why is it necessary to prioritize test cases?

[Taken from the ISTQB Foundation Sample Paper 2, Question 6]

Final question, six. Why is it necessary to prioritize test cases?

a) To introduce some structure into your testing,
b) It makes your testing look more organized,
c) To allow you to perform the best possible testing in the agreed time
d) It is easy to find more defects.

What is it necessary to prioritize test cases? It’s not a. To introduce some structure into your testing. B. It’s not b. It makes your testing look more organized. The answer is c. Which is to allow you to perform the best possible testing in the agreed time frame. It’s not d. either.

If we think about it, the reason that we prioritize is that if we get to a situation where our time is crunched, we can then make a judgment call or a priority call on the test cases that are absolutely mandatory and potentially not run the tests, which are deemed as the least priority. This is something which has come up in my career time and time again so it’s a very good way of being able to quantify exactly which tests will be run when your time is cut short or you run out of time due to a number of defects that you’ve come across.

Want more ISTQB Foundation sample exam papers?

If you want a free exam question example paper or even download the exact PDF, which supports … includes the questions that have been covered today and a lot more or even additional mock papers, then click here. Thank you and hope to see you on the website.


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